Tux Racer Guide: Controls.

Tux Racer has been designed to make controlling Tux easy and fun. The menus can be navigated with mouse and keyboard, and Tux is controlled using the keyboard.

Please note: instead of using the Arrow keys for movement controls, you can also use I, J, K, L. These alternate mappings have been provided for your convenience.

4.1 Turning

Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to turn. The longer you hold down the key, the farther Tux will turn in that direction.

4.2 Paddling/Flapping

Use the Up Arrow key to make Tux paddle when on the ground and make Tux flap his wings when in the air. This will help you gain speed, especially at the start of the race. Once Tux's speed is in the yellow area of the Speedometer, paddling will no longer increase his speed, but instead start to slow him down.

When Tux becomes airborne, flapping his wings will help him stay in the air longer. Use the turn keys while flapping to adjust Tux's direction while in the air.

4.3 Braking

Use the Down Key to make Tux brake. This will slow him down, which is useful in getting through some tricky spots on the courses. Remember that Tux can turn tighter when raveling at slower speeds.

4.4 Jumping

Use the E key for jumping. To jump, you must first press and hold the E key to first charge energy. This will cause the Energometer level to increase. The fuller the Energometer, the bigger the jump. Releasing the E key will use the charged energy to make Tux jump.

Tux can start charging for the next jump (by pressing E) while still in the air.

4.5 Hard Turning

To do a hard turn, hold down the brake key (Down Arrow) and then press one of the turn keys (Left Arrow or Right Arrow). This will cause Tux to do a sharp turn, but will also slow him down.

4.6 Reset

The Backspace key is used to reset Tux's position. If you get stuck on a course, press this key.

4.7 Quit

Pressing the Q key while racing will end the current board.


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About Giampaolo Rossi.

Fond of computer and video games. Stay informed of the latest news on games for Linux and Android. The future of gaming is in Linux. All you need to know about How to play Windows games on Linux.
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