1oom is a clone, rewritten, of the classic DOS game “Master of Orion”.

1oom is a clone, rewritten, of the classic DOS game Master of Orion

1oom is a clone of  “Master of Orion”.

Love MOO1 but sick of DOSBox? Now you don't need it anymore! 1oom lets you run the original game natively on any platform that SDL supports. The project is still young but fully playable.

To install just extract the ZIP and copy the MOO1 files to the same directory as the executables (or extract the executables directly into your MOO1 directory, whichever you prefer). 1oom_classic and 1oom_cmdline are the game executables, the rest are various utilities. Check the included docs for more info.

All it's missing are testers, so try it out and report any bugs you see to the GitLab with a savefile. And spread the word!

Website: https://kilgoretroutmaskreplicant.gitlab.io/plain-html/

Download: https://gitlab.com/KilgoreTroutMaskReplicant/1oom/tags/
Source: https://gitlab.com/KilgoreTroutMaskReplicant/1oom/

Files and such.

Source code: GitLab

git clone https://gitlab.com/KilgoreTroutMaskReplicant/1oom.git
Binaries and tarball available here.

Bonus for hardcore hackers: the disassembly data for IDA 5.0 freeware.

The plot of the game.

By the beginning of the 23rd century, ten races had emerged with the technology necessary to colonize deep space. For nearly a century, population growth on all planets had outstripped planetary resources, and soon all the races were forced to expand and discover new worlds to colonize.

 As history has proven time and time again, unrestrained expansion inevitably leads to war. Even though each race is very different from the others, all have legends of a master race that once controlled the galaxy. It is said that the Masters left behind a world that contained marvellous secrets and powerful technology. 

The loremasters call it Orion and it is written in legend that he who masters Orion masters the universe. Master of Orion is a competitive game of interstellar conquest that combines exploration with conflict. You are cast as the immortal emperor who shapes the future of your race, as contact is made with the neighbouring races. 

Your objective is simple: control a majority of the known galaxy and eliminate all who stand in the way. As ruler you must ultimately decide the destiny of your race as you make decisions on how planetary resources are allocated, where star fleets will be deployed, which races to fight, and which races to ally with. 

You begin with control of your home planet, from which you can explore and colonize nearby star systems. Your first decisions will centre around the rapid development of colonies into productive worlds, what types of technology to focus on, and which star systems to colonize. 

However, the true challenge begins when contact is made with other races, and complex strategies must be formulated to manage diplomacy, sabotage, espionage, trade, and interstellar combat.


The main menu allows you to continue currently running games, load previously saved games, and start new games. Continue Game: Any time you exit a game from the game options screen, the game will be automatically saved. 

The continue game option then loads and runs the most recently played game. Load Game File: This option allows the user to restart a previously saved game. New Game: This option generates a completely new universe with random placement of the stars, different planetary environments, and up to five opponents. Quit To DOS: Exits the program and returns control back to DOS

New game options.

When creating a new game, you have a great deal of control over the actual game play by deciding what size galaxy you want to play in, the number of opponents, and the intelligence of your adversaries.


24 stars. A quick game, and contact with other races is almost immediate. This is actually more difficuilt than playing in larger galaxies.


48 stars. Long enough to develop most technologies. 


70 star systems. 


108 stars. For epic games with huge empires and massive star fleets. Note that the game can be very slow in a huge galaxy. 


The difficulty setting affects several components of the game, including your opponents’ production rates, expansion rate, technology development, and willingness to ally with you. It also determines the size of your initial fleet. 


Choose the number of opposing races in the galaxy, from 1 to 5. The fewer opponents you have the longer you will have to develop your empire before contact is made.

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About Giampaolo Rossi.

Fond of computer and video games. Stay informed of the latest news on games for Linux and Android. The future of gaming is in Linux. All you need to know about How to play Windows games on Linux.
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2 commenti:

  1. I remember the Master Of Orion saga belongs to the turn-based space strategy genre.

    1. That's right. The player takes control of a civilization at the dawn of hyperspace and must lead it to victory, either as President of the Galactic Senate, by eliminating all other races or through other systems such as research. The saga is made up of three titles, I, II and III. Known by the acronym MoO.


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