To move, use the numpad which is located on the right side of the keyboard. You can also hold the Alt key to put yourself into running mode, which means you just need to press one of the numpad keys to run into that direction until you release the Alt key. If you're running and you press 5 on numpad, your running direction will be reversed and you will start running in the opposite direction (nice way to escape a room full of monsters you did not know about before, if you're quick enough).
Doors and Walls
Eventually, there will be obstacles in your way when you move around. The first thing you will encounter will most likely be a wall or grate. All you can do here is move around it. However, there are 'doors' in Atrinik which you can move into to make them open. These objects range from a curtain to a gate. To open them, just move into them. If they need a key, they will tell you in the right window (game window).
Main Commands
So, now you are able to move around in a room and all, but there are still entrances and exits other than doors. There are holes, stairs, magic portals, all sorts of interesting stuff that change where you are. Some things will require you to move on them and press the apply button ("a") or you could take the long way and type in /apply if you wish. To open your command line (where you type), hit the enter key.
When you type a "/" at the beginning of the line, you are saying that the word that follows is going to be a command. So, /apply is a command, just like /help is a command. For the exits or entrances that don't require you to press "a", all you need to do is move on them and they will be applied automatically.
If you only type partial name of the command (i.e., "/dr" or "/pr") and press the Tab key, the client will attempt to automatically complete the command for you (i.e., "/drop" or "/pray").
For the full list of commands, go to Client Commands.
Picking/Dropping Items
Eventually in your game you will find an item on the floor. To pick it up, move to the item. If you are on the item like you should be, you will see the item appear in the "below window" located in the bottom-middle part of the screen. Use the right and left arrow keys to move to the item. The thing that is selected will be outlined in blue in the below window.
Press the get key ("g") to get the item off of the floor and automatically put it into your inventory. If there is more than one of the item that you are getting, then it will ask you how many you want to pick up. Type in the amount you want to get. Notice that it automatically puts up the full number of items that are there.
Either hit enter or "g" again to finish the command or change the numbers to satisfy your needs. So, if there are say 5 copper coins on the ground, move the cursor to them and hit g twice.
To drop items, just do the same thing except use the drop ("d") key while selecting the item in your inventory.
Your Inventory
Ok, you got an item and it was put in your inventory. Now, to view your inventory press and hold shift to bring the inventory window up. Now your cursor is on the inventory window. Move around your inventory with the arrow keys. While in your inventory you can drop stuff ("d"), apply stuff ("a"), examine stuff ("e"), lock items ("l"), mark items ("m"), and put stuff in containers.
Putting Items in Bags
When you apply something in your inventory you will either put it on, wield it, use it, or set up a container to auto-collect. You can make a container auto-collect (which means that when you pick something up, it will go into the selected container) by pressing the "a" key once. To open a container, hit the "a" key again. To put something from your inventory into the container, open the container first, then go to the item and get it. This will put the item into the opened bag.
Examine Command
When you examine an item, it will give information on it. Some examples of this information would be how much damage it will do or the resistances that it has. It will also tell you how much you think it's worth, and if you're in a shop it will tell you how much the shop will pay you for it. To sell the item, just drop it on the shop's floor. To buy something, pick up the item and walk through the teleporter with it. Upon leaving the store you will automatically be charged for your items. A good thing to do is examine the items that the shop has to offer so that you will not only find the item's price, but a little about the item.
Looting Corpses
To actually earn an item, usually you have to take it out of a monster's corpse that you or another player killed. The corpses work just like containers, so apply it to open it and then get it to put it in your inventory. Most items will be unidentified when you pick them up out of a corpse which means you don't know many things about them. Examining them won't help much when the item is unidentified. What you have to do is use a scroll/wand/rod of identify, or pay a smith to identify it for you.
Identify Your Loot
You can go to the shop and ask the smith to cast one of the identify spells on an/all items that you have in your inventory. He will identify all of your items (or one of them) for a price based on your level. Make sure you have the right item marked for the single identify spell.
Using The Shop
To sell this valuable loot which you have fought for and identified, all you need to do is go to a shop and go through the teleporter in it to get to the shop's inventory. It is simple from there; all you need to do is drop what and how much you want. The cost is automatically calculated and given to you. To buy stuff, just get the items you want and walk out of the teleporter. The shop will automatically take the money from your inventory. If you do not have enough, then it will not let you through until you drop the items you can't afford.
Mark Command
Marking an item will make it so that when you or someone else uses a spell or action that deals with items, it will affect that item (i.e.: identify a single item or fill up a lantern). Locking an item makes it so you can't drop it (which makes you unable to sell it) until you unlock it using "l" again.
Now one of these days you will find your first monster. First you have to make sure that your stance is aggressive. To do this, look down in the bottom-middle of your screen (above the below inventory window) and then hit the "c" key. You will see that a little picture of a shield or crossed swords will change to the one that is not currently displayed. The shield means that you won't attack or fight back to an attacker. The crossed swords mean that you will attack anything within your melee weapon's striking distance.
Target Monster/Friend
Now, you have to target the monster. Hit "x" and you will see a green bar appear over the monster that is closest to you. Hit "x" again to change to a different monster. You can also right-click on the monster to target it. You can only attack the monster that you have targeted. You can also target friendly NPCs with the "s" key. This will target them when you use a friendly spell such as minor healing. You can also see the target's health (the green bar -- it changes color based on how much HP it has left). Now, go attack the mob by moving within 1 square of it.
Range System
The last thing that you will need to know is about the range system. Firing a range weapon is probably the first thing that you will use the range system for. First, go into your inventory and apply the range weapon (bow, crossbow, or sling). That will put its picture up in the first box. If you don't see the picture, use tab to scroll through the different types of range attacks until you see it.
Now, you need some ammo. Go to the appropriate ammunition in your inventory and hit fire ("f"). Now you should see the range weapon in the first box and the ammunition in the second. To fire, hold the control key and use the numpad to direct your missile. There is currently a delay to range firing so that you cannot shoot 20 arrows within a second.
To use a spell, you can either use the range system or type "/cast ". If you type it in, then you will fire in the direction that you are facing. If it's a friendly spell, then it will auto-target you, unless you are targeting a friendly unit with "s". To use the range system, look at the top right corner of your screen for a button that is labeled "Spells". Click on that to open your spell window. Locate the spell that you are going to use (if you have any) and double-click on it.
A little picture will light up. Click on that and it will automatically ready it for casting. Now all that you need to do is hold control and then direct the spell with the numpad.
There are many other different range attacks, but they all work similar to these.
An alternative way to cast spells (depends if you prefer this or not), is to use commands like "/cast " and bind it to a single key, for fast casting. See the Shortcut Manual for more details on this.
Logging Out
To log out, hit the ESC key. There you will see a few options, including logout. Move up to that and hit enter to log out. Your character will automatically be saved if you have some exp. If you don't have exp you will not be saved! Type in the command "/save" if you are not sure. The "key settings" option is the long way to go to your macro settings (see Shortcut Manual for details on that). The settings option is, well, the settings. The back to play button will put you back into play.
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