Introductory to PayDay 2 Basics


Hello, my name is Shady. In this guide I will be showcasing a few tips for both veteran and newcomers alike. There will be many sections dedicated to particular types of tips, such as advice for particular heists, what DLC is worth buying, and mods I recommend. There is also a section dedicated particulary for newcomers. If you are a veteran, you might enjoy reading this section.
Also, this is my first published guide, so thank you so much for reading...if you do. If not, I'll try to have a few TL;DRs at the end of each sections. I don't really care, so they'll be pretty horrid.


This is my first guide and it's dedicated to tips for all kinds of players.

Tips for Newcomers:

This section is dedicated to advice for newcomers, and so, we'll start out with the basics:


What equipment should I use and when?

  • Doctors bags are by far the most useful deployable in PayDay 2. The Doctor bag is NOT meant to be used to restore health.
    Whenever you go down three times in a row(excluding downs by tasers and cloakers), your screen will enter a state, known as being 'gray'/'grey', where basically your screen becomes gray/grey, and this tint emphasizes based on how much health you have. Once you enter this state, if you go down, you will be put into custody. To prevent this, use a doctor bag. While going into custody may not seem that bad for those of you that are very new, on lower difficulties you automatically leave custody after a short time. On higher difficulties, your teamates must get a hostage and trade you after the assault is over. This process is a pain on high difficulties.

    (Save-Equipment Mod is showcased above.)
  • Ammo bags are a very useful deployable, although it is debatable as to whether or not they are better than FAKs. Lower-level players do not have Walk-In-Closet(6/9 in every perk deck), so their ammo pickup rate is lower than a vet's naturally. On stationary heists, such as Cookoff, it's idiotic to leave the house during an assault. The ammo bag allows you to stay inside the house, with ammo, and wait until the end of the assault to go pick up ammo.
    Ammo bags are commonly used in a greedy way. This way is that they will use a weapon, such as a flamethrower, which either cannot pick up ammo, or has a low pickup rate, making them rely soley on ammo bags. This usually isn't too bad, but if you use that weapon too often, you tear through the ammo. Please be generous.
  • First Aid Kits, or FAKs is the third, standard deployable for loud heists. ♥♥♥ are generally used by greedy players, such as Rogue perk deck users, Armourer perk decks or Armourer builds. The reason they do this, is because they do not have a build that can regenerate health(why?), so they rely on FAKs for health. This is greedy. Be sure to share them with your teammates, and only use them when you're on very low health(~15% health). Some players that can regenerate health, specifically Ex-President perk deck users with a 'dodge' class. They may use a ♥♥♥ when they're at low health for this reason: The Ex-President 'stores' health based on how many kills the team is getting. Once his armour depletes, then regenerates, that health is used up. If he goes down, it's gone. What they might do, is if they are at low health, once their armour is depleted, they will go down, so they will use the ♥♥♥ and save the stored health for a much more needed situation.

These are the three main, standard deployabled used on loud heists. There are others that can, and are used, but as a new player, you may not want to bother with them for now. By the time you're ready to try these other deployables out, you should know enough about them, so I won't bother.


Again, I won't bother too much with the weapons, because you should try all of the ones that are available to you, but a few that I recommend trying out first are:

  • CAR-4(primary) is a great weapon because of how much you can customize it.
  • Akimbo Deagles(primary)
  • Deagle(secondary)
  • The Judge Shotgun(secondary, but is a community item!)
  • Locomotive 12G Shotgun
  • Jacket's Piece(secondary, for those of you with deluxe Hotline Miami 2)


An idea almost all newcomers have is that the heavier the armour, the better the build.
This is most defnitely not the case.
There are two main types of builds as far as armour is concerned:

  • Armourer is a person who has heavy armour(or just some armour), and durability relies on their armour.
  • Dodge is a person who either has a two-piece suit or lightweight ballistic veist(two weakest armours). A dodge measures their durability by their dodge chance, which is RNG based.. Many perk decks help with this. Looking closely at the image below, you see that I have 25 dodge. This means I have 25% dodge chance, plus I have 20 armour, and 322 health.
I won't go in depth on what a good dodge or armourer build is, but you should know that if a high level player joins your lobby, don't yell at him to put armour on. I've had this happen to me, and quite frankly, it's dumb.


Again, I won't bother much with the throwables, but a good tip is to take a silent throwable on stealth missions to make sure you don't have an accidental grenade throw. The throwing axe and spear are good choices(DLC), because in case things go loud, your throwable is still functional. A spear will throw a body, so I personally use them.
If you do not have DLC, the throwing cards are literally useless, so go with the HEF grenade.

Perk Decks

The default perk deck is Crew Chief. Don't use it.
Also, you do not get the bonuses of each perk deck. You only get 1 deck at a time.
Good decks you should read about and consider trying are:

  • Muscle
  • Rogue
  • Burglar(for stealth, but is DLC)
  • Ex-President
  • Maniac(this is basically crew chief on steroids)
  • Anarchist



Hosting/Joining Lobbies

Hosting lobbies requires some decent competence, and sometimes mods.
What to do if you host one:

  • If you're playing Normal/Hard, don't kick low levels just because you want higher leveled players to carry you.
  • For fk's sake, don't kick everybody at the end of the match.
  • Playing on higher difficulties, specifically Deathwish, you definitely do not want a level 0 playing, and kicking them will get annoying, so try using the mod 'Noobies Go Back To Overkill'(NGBTO) and LobbyPlayerInfo to test and detest cheaters.
  • Be aware that the 'Reputation Limit' also affects Infamy players. Basically, if you set a rep limit on a lobby to 60, a level 59 player cannot joine, but neither can a XXII-59
What to do if you join a lobby:
  • Expect to get kicked for no apparent reason at times.
  • Do not join DW lobby if you are not infamy, have less than about 100 hours(at LEAST), and are not a decent level(60+ish). Deathwish stealth is an exception.
  • This is a public lobby, so except some salty and toxic people.
  • Expect players that judge your playstyle/build.
  • Expect players that don't fully understand some game mechanics despite a lot of playtime.
  • Expect the unexpected is basically what I'm saying here.


  • Doc bags = yeh, ammo bags and first aid kits = meh
  • The Deagles are pretty good...
  • Just because I'm not wearing armour, that doesn't mean I'm shart.
  • Javelin/Axe is love
  • People suck

Heist Specific Tips:

Be aware that the list is going to be all over the place. The ideas have to come to me.

Cookoff/Rats day 1

  • If you're playing on a high difficulty, try to get in habit of not leaving the house during an assault. If you do, stay close to the house for inspire players. If your excuse to leave the house is that you're a CQC build, why are you a CQC build on Cookoff?
  • The enemies come in waves at different sides, and everyone focuses on them at once. As a result, the crowd dies, and they leave ammo boxes. Be generous and don't be the only one collecting ammo boxes.
  • Sometimes lag will make you waste ingredients, so pick up the ingredients at a decent pace.
  • Board upstairs, even if the lab is downstairs. Make upstairs a panic room.
  • Get the ingredients/planks outside of the house first.
  • Don't pick up ingredients just because you want to cook. I'll teach you how to cook correctly down there.
  • Don't board up the windows on the side of the truck, or the sides of the sheds(same side). Not many enemies come from here.
  • There are three spots cloakers will hide at and wait for you to come:

  • Only use the vantage point if someone else in your crew has inspire. Otherwise, don't bother.
  • If you wish to complete Rats quickly, you can blow up the lab on day 1 and leave by about the 7 minute mark. Doing this will result in an escape, though.


  • You can carry all the bags on a single forklift, but you must be host.
  • You shouldn't use the Longellow. Just use the forklifts and take this shortcut:

    If you don't understand, look at the first image. In it you see a small gap on the right in a few meters. Turn right into the small wedge, and you're at picture 2. Once you emerge, turn left towards the garage and you're at picture 3.
  • There ARE keycards lying around, just like Shadow Raid. Look for them to open the fences.

Bank Heist

Bank Heist has many variants. In the pictures below I will be playing on Bank Heist: Cash.

  • When you try to dominate the building, civvies will go for the alarm:

  • You can dominate the entire map. What this means is that you can tie/kill everybody on the map, making it impossible to lose. Doing this allows you to use a loud saw, which you should do.

JEWelry Store

The only actual tip I can give is this:
On either sides of the building, a fence occasionally spawns that blocks off that route. Although, there's a trashcan that you can jump onto, and you can jump over the fence.

Shadow Raid

I can go on forever about this heist, so I'm going to do my best to keep it brief.
Also, note that I am playing Shadow Raid during the day. For you, it will be night.

  • The gaurds are usually pretty dumb in this game. Open vaults don't usually trigger the gaurds, except here. The vault with the armour will trigger gaurds, so be sure to get other loot prior to opening it.
  • The bag zip-line will work with bodies.
  • Many players like to duplicate the thermite paste so you can open up all of the sewers. This is not necessary because you can grab loot from the other side of the bars.
  • The camera gaurd will always have a keycard.
  • Two server spawn locations:

    (cam room)

    Same floor as cams, the far room.
  • You can open the vault on solo, if the keycard spawns here, or if you kill a gaurd nearby:

    grab the keycard through the wall by the lockers. location of the keycard shown below. make sure to place the first keycard in the vault, then grab this one, and run back.

    If you have no idea where the exact area I'm at in picture 1 is, just go to this area and go to the other side of the wall:

Transport: Train Heist

Another heist with only one tip, but it's a useful one(stealth).
On one side of the train is the lumberyard. 1/2 of the spawn locations for the truck are here. A nifty tactic you can do if you've been doing well and the truck spawns here is:
3 gaurds and all 4 civvies will patrol this area at some point in time. You can tie/kill the four civvies and kill the 3 gaurds. Doing this will make the lumberyard remote for you to do as you please.

First World Bank

  • For some reason a lot of people let this go over their head, so I'm including it: Inside the copying machine is thermite. There are two cans that, if you place both, speed up the burning process. Listen to Bain... pls
  • When doing stealth, you can rewire the metal detectors before getting into the copying room.


On day 3, Bank Heist, upstairs is a room that needs to be opened when doing loud. On stealth, though, place a non-silent drill to attract gaurds upstairs to take them out with ease.

Hotline Miami

When you get inside the basement, you do the unbareable process with the barcodes. Before using random barcodes, look at the bulletin board. On it, you'll see places, such as Shaw or Downtown. On each location an item is connected to them, such as Cigars.. Any crate with those items, if they match what's on the bulletin to the location Bain specified, then only use the barcodes from that type of crate.


A late objective in the mission is to place C4 on a wall. Before that, you open the two trucks using the saw. After you get one of the trucks open, carry the safes all the way to that wall. By the time you've done that, the second truck should open. Carry the safes to the wall again, and by the time you've done that, you can place the C4 on the wall. Once the wall is down, all the safes are close, so all you have to do is move the truck up a few feet- no turning.


Wine Bottles.

Santa's Workshop

On this heist, there are two drop-off points. On one side the loot drop-off point will spawn, and the other will be the escape area. The two alternate randomly. A good tip to abide by, if you have trouble protecting the bags, is to bring all the bags to a single loot drop-off point and dump them in before the driver gets there. When he does go on that side, all the loot will fall in at once.


  • Cookoff: Don't leave the house
  • Meltdown: You can carry all the bags on a single forklift as host
  • Shadow Raid: You can open the vault on solo
  • Train Heist(stealth): You can kill everyone in the lumber yard
This is what you get if you're too impatient to read, b****.

How Does do Cook Meth?:

How To Cook(Cookoff/Rats)

Alright, I'm sure plenty of you know the method where you just wait for Bain to say the same ingredient twice in a row, but that doesn't really work.
This method is simple and used by many:
If Bain says,"Next ingredient is... Oh, I'm going with Hydrogen Chloride... I'm 72% sure...", then it is Hydrogen Chloride. If he says,"Next ingredient is... Oh, I'm going with Hydrogen Chloride... Strike that! It's Muriatic Acid!", then it is Muriatic Acid. Basically, if he doesn't doubt himself, and he just sounds unsure, the previous information was correct. If he corrects himself, the 2nd ingredient he says is correct.

How To Cook(Lab Rats)


How To Cook(Hotline Miami)



  • Cooking on Cookoff/Rats:
    If he says nein, then nein.
    If he says, maybe, then... yein?
  • Cooking on Lab Rats/Miami: kys.

I am... Sam Fisher...(Stealthing)

Alright, you wanna stealth, huh? Welp, I'm not really your guy.

  • To avoid getting detected, use the jump/crouch/sprint technique. Basically, you sprint, jump, and while in midair, you crouch. Once you land, repeat. Sprinting gives you high momentum, jumping allows you to bridge sprinting and crouching, and crouching makes you harder to detect.
  • You shouldn't concern yourself too much with your weapons, so long as they have a suppressor and low detection.
  • Consider using a javelin or throwing axe to throw bodies around.
  • You don't need too many skills for stealth, but you should have dominator and aced out ECMs. After, go into the technician tree and get an upgraded drill, trip mines, and 2 deployables. You can either have a body bag case as a secondary, or a trip mine to alert you and your friends of gaurds.

Like I said above, I'm not your guy, but if you want to be one with the Sam Fisher, get the Cloaker-San mask. It's pretty great.



How to be Louder than a Middle-Aged Mom at 2am.

Wow, I know. Thank you, thank you.
How does do loud?:

  • I wish I could, but really the only thing that you should be concerned with: HEADSHOTS. The biggest asset to your team, is headshots.
  • Rocking a solid, competent build is great and all, but you have to be able to be useful in other ways than just staying out of custody. Spamming doctor bags, Feign Death, Messiah and Stockholm may keep you alive, but it may not keep you safe from the kick. Be useful in other senses, such as: Can I quickly clear a room of minis? How about dozers? Are cloakers a big concern for me? Snipers? Tasers? You've got to be useful in some sense when it comes to the enemies. Personally, since I play a dodge class a majority of the time, I like to get additional suppressed weapon damage, crits, +pistol damage, and sometimes the frenzy/beserker setup. This allows me to easily deal with high-health enemies such as dozers. Other like to be a Run'N'Gun style, and easily deal with minis(regular cops).
  • Doing loud, you should be able to adjust to the map. As previously stated, why would you play a CQC(close-quarters-combat) build on a map like Cookoff? You have no excuse to be running around like an idiot outside of the house. On other maps, you want to stay close to stay close to your teammates, like Goat Sim, or be able to provide support from a different angle(like the vantage point on Jewelry Store).
  • Sometimes you should be able to adjust your build to other players. If another crew chief/maniac is in the lobby, you should probably switch your perk deck.
If you want deathwish to be harder, considering the nerf, check out the Deathwish+ mod! It's very nice and allows you to scale the difficulty for deathwish.


It's not that much to read. Please.

Buying DLC/Microtransactions

Buying microtransactions: Don't.
I recommend buying character and weapon DLC before heist ones, because you don't have to buy heist DLC to play them. Same goes for the soundtracks in a sense.
DLC that's worth buying, but only buy them during the sales:

  • Armoured Transport because of how many heists it gives you.
  • Gage Courier
  • Shotgun Pack
  • Sokol Character Pack - Grinder was nerfed, but Sokol is still the best character. #BCumASokolist #SokolistPride #Sokolism #ASokolsBlow #SokolIsLoveSokolIsLife
  • Sniper Pack
  • AK/CAR Pack(kinda the same as Gage Courier)
  • Really any heist that you've played that you like.


wot r gud mods i shuld instal?:

  • PocoHud
  • HoxHud
  • WolfHud
These 'huds' are overlays for your game to give you information, leisurely functions, and allows you to have a bird's eye view on the match.
Mods I just recommend personally:
  • Deathwish+ - woooooo! difficulty...
  • Goonmod(crashes- only use when you are messing around) - How's about 9k entities?
  • BetterBots - Scale your bots, and get 3 bots if playing solo
  • Keepers - Allow bots to remain stationary
  • Noobies Go Back to Overkill (NGBTO) - detect/kick/scan for cheaters or people that don't meet your requirements for a lobby. ie kick a noob out of a dw lobby
  • PD2 Day/Night Changes - Changes the times on each heist
  • Create Empty Lobby - Creates a heistless lobby
  • Inventory Chat & Player States - Type while in your inventory
  • Music Control - do song stuff
  • Lobby Player Info - check up on your teammate's skills
  • Kick a Friend - Invite a friend back after you've kicked them
  • Unlimited Ink - gives you unlimited ink in preplanning

The Problem with Microtransactions

This should be a 'guide' on its own, but, with buying stuff, you should be aware of this, if you choose to learn. :)

Sorry about the rant in there- I hope you understand the point I'm trying to get across. Just don't buy the safes or drills, or crap from other games.



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About Giampaolo Rossi.

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