0 A.D. Guide, Chapter V: Combat, Trade and Bartering.

0 A.D. originally began in 2001 as a comprehensive total conversion mod concept for Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.

 The development team later decided that making the project as a mod was too limiting to their creative freedom, and elected to move their art and ideas to an in-house engine, making it a standalone game.

The historical accuracy of the game elements has been the highest development priority. 

 Unit and building names are shown in the original language of the civilization they belong to, and they are also translated into the language in which the user is playing the game. 

 0 A.D. Guide, Chapter V: Combat, Trade and Bartering.

There is also a strong focus on attempting to provide a high visual accuracy of unit armor, weapons, and buildings.

Types of Combat Units.

With a few exceptions, all combat units belong to one of these types:

    Infantry: Warriors fighting on foot, with swords, bows and arrows, etc.,
    Cavalry: Warriors on horseback,
    Siege weapons, such as catapults, and
    War ships, such as triremes.

Melee vs. Ranged Units.

Some of the units mentioned here are melee units, which can only fight when very close to the enemy (e.g., with a sword); Others are ranged units, which shoot or throw a weapon from afar, so they only need to get close enough to be within range (but not too close). Each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, some ranged units may be very powerful against certain melee units from a distance, but helplessly vulnerable to melee attack from up close.
Types of Damage and Balancing

Damage in 0 A.D. comes in three types: hack, pierce and crush. Units have different armor for each type. In addition, unit attacks may be of multiple types simultaneously, e.g., a hoplite does both pierce and hack damage.

On top of this, some units have special bonuses against particular other units, e.g., spearmen defeat melee cavalry, but are countered by skirmishers and cavalry archers.

Consider that different units have different movement speeds, firing rates, hit points and costs, and you get a complex game with many strategic choices to make when choosing how to spend your resources. In-game documentation can be found in each unit’s description when hovering above the button to train it.


Trading allows you to gain resources simply by having your traders shuttle between markets or docks. Traders that travel over land can be trained at markets, and merchant ships that sail over sea can be trained at the dock.

(The following explanation refers to both markets and docks; “Market” is used for brevity.)

Establish a trade route between two markets by selecting a trader and right-clicking two markets one after another, setting them as “origin” and “destination” markets. Your traders will then start shuttling between them, gaining resources for every round trip made; You can choose which resource will be gained by each trader. The longer time it takes to travel between the two markets, the more of that resource you will get at the end of each round trip.

You can have a trader shuttle between two of your own markets, or between your market and an allied market. The latter case yields more resources per trip than the former.

Bartering allows you to buy and sell resources in exchange for other resources at the market. Resources are traded at exchange rates that vary with each deal. For example, to purchase 100 Food, you may initially have to spend 100 points of another resource type (Wood, Stone, or Metal). By the next deal, however, Food will become more expensive. The rates are global, so if another player buys Food it will be more expensive for you as well. Over time, the exchange rate gradually resets to the default rate.

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About Giampaolo Rossi.

Fond of computer and video games. Stay informed of the latest news on games for Linux and Android. The future of gaming is in Linux. All you need to know about How to play Windows games on Linux.
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