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  • 49 Games Like Dragon Quest Builders For Linux (Chapter V).
    03.02.2017 - 4 Comments
    49 Games like Dragon Quest Builders for Linux daily generated by our specialised A.I. comparing over 33000 video games across all platforms. This suggestion collection includes sandbox JRPG (Japanese RPG)…
  • Eboard has a relatively simple interface, which comes packaged with a few alternatives graphical themes.
    29.02.2012 - 0 Comments
    Eboard has a relatively simple interface, which comes packaged with a few alternatives graphical themes. You can use this client to play against the computer, a remote server, or directly with another Eboard…
  • Ambassador of Pain (Aop) is a curses based arcade game for Linux.
    30.04.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Ambassador of Pain (Aop) is a curses based arcade game for Linux/UNIX with only 64 lines of sourcecode. Download. To download the source code click here: aop-0.6.tar.gz Additionally you may want to browse…
  • Technorati Verify  Claim Token
    16.02.2012 - 0 Comments
  • The Freedoom project aims to create a complete Doom-based game which is free software.
    12.12.2010 - 0 Comments
    id Software has released the source code to their classic game, Doom, under the GNU General Public License. This means that the engine which powers Doom is Free Software. However, the game engine is only one…
  • 100 Best Free and High Quality Linux Games, Chapter 9.
    20.05.2012 - Comments Disabled
    81. Xonotic Xonotic is a first-person shooter video game. It is cross-platform, free and open source software. It is a fork of Nexuiz, and is based on the DarkPlaces engine, a heavily modified version of…
  • Quake II was extremely well-received, by reviewers and gamers alike
    09.10.2009 - 0 Comments
    Quake II released on December 9, 1997, is a first-person shooter computer game developed by id Software and distributed by Activision. It is not a sequel to Quake; it merely uses the name of the former game…
  • TrueCombat Elite  is a modification to first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    27.09.2009 - 0 Comments
    TrueCombat Elite is a modification to first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Developed by "Team Terminator" and Studio Groove Six, the modification - like Enemy Territory itself - is released…
  • Alpha Shooter is a 3D FPS game with a sci-fi setting
    14.12.2009 - Comments Disabled
    Alpha Shooter is a 3D FPS game with a sci-fi setting, developed by Nicola Cocchiaro and released under the GNU General Public License. It is currently written in C++ and uses its own reusable game engine,…
  • Teeworlds 0.5.2 released!
    31.10.2009 - 0 Comments
    Teeworlds is a fast-paced sidescrolling multiplayer-only computer game. The game features cartoon-themed graphics and physics, and relies heavily on classic shooter weaponry and gameplay.   The…