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  • Playing is believing.
    30.10.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Platform: All iOS games Android games Browser & desktop games Genre: All Action/Adventure Edu/Kids Puzzle RPG Simulation Sports Strategy Attributes: Indie games Spell Cubes Bringing phonetics to…
  • ZQuake is a QuakeWorld engine with moderate enhancements compared to other source ports
    26.01.2010 - 0 Comments
    Zquake is a port of Quake to Palm OS. This is very early prototype work .. a proof of concept. It is very close to being fully workable. Once the last hump is passed, it can be made pretty.. but first, this…
  • XBlockOut, X Window block dropping game in 3 Dimension
    20.01.2010 - 0 Comments
    The grand father of this game is TETRIS, its father is BLOCKOUT on PC/DOS.Blockout is a registered trademark of Kadon Enterprises, Inc., used by permission.The player must place 3D pieces by translations and…
  • PouetChess is an innovating chess game for one or two players and whatever your level.
    27.06.2009 - 1 Comments
    My favorite chess game in Linux though is Pouet Chess. The computer fights quite effectively in this. Depending on the setting of difficulty, the system can take anywhere from two to ninety seconds to make a…
  • Quetoo is a Quake 2 compatible game engine optimized for speed.
    14.06.2010 - 0 Comments
    Quetoo is a Quake2-compatible game engine for GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. It's focus is simplicity, security, stability, and speed. It contains critical security updates for both clients and servers, bandwidth…
  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a first person shooter video game published by Activision.
    17.04.2010 - 0 Comments
    The single player game was developed by Gray Matter Interactive and Nerve Software developed its multiplayer mode. Id Software, the creators of Wolfenstein 3D, oversaw the development and were credited as…
  • 100 Best Free and High Quality Linux Games, Chapter 9.
    20.05.2012 - Comments Disabled
    81. Xonotic Xonotic is a first-person shooter video game. It is cross-platform, free and open source software. It is a fork of Nexuiz, and is based on the DarkPlaces engine, a heavily modified version of…
  • Standalone Q3 is a modified version of Quake 3 GPL .
    07.05.2010 - 0 Comments
    Standalone Q3 is a modified version of Quake 3 GPL engine allowing to play Quake 3 modswithout the need of the original Quake 3 CD. (Quake and Quake 3 aretrademark of ID Software) Download: LinuxUpdate…
  • Endless Sky Walkhthrough Guide: Interstellar Travel and Mining Asteroids.
    17.11.2022 - 0 Comments
     The hyperdrive works by propelling a ship along a hyperspace “link” between two star systems. The consensus among physicists is that these links are in fact not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but an…
  • ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source code.
    23.08.2010 - 0 Comments
    ZDoom is an enhanced port of the official DOOM source code to Win32. As such, it not only works with (and requires) Windows 95/NT 4.0, but it also adds new features not found in the version published by id…