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  • PoopmUp is an open source arcade-style 3D flight simulator.
    09.08.2010 - 0 Comments
    PoopmUp is an Open Source arcade-style 3D urban flight simulator. It is written in C++ using OpenGL. We originally used GLUT as an upper layer, but recently moved to Simple DirectMedia Layer as it is easier to…
  • 19 Action Games Jump an Run for Linux.
    14.05.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Abuse-SDL  is a port of Abuse to Linux using the Simple DirectMedia Layer library. This allows Abuse to run at screen depths greater than 8bpp as well as fullscreen. Abuse is a dark 2D side-scrolling…
  • Balder, multiplayer zero gravity first person shooter
    25.11.2009 - 0 Comments
    Balder is a multiplayer Zero Gravity First Person Shooter using the Crystal Space engine. It also uses the borax template and the GNE -- Game Networking Engine. It will emphesise team cooperation, instead of…
  • The most popular games of the month: March 2013.
    26.04.2013 - Comments Disabled
    1.- XBoard is a very old chess interface, it's not very fancy, or flashy, but it has all the basic features of a modern chess program. XBoard is a graphical user interface for chess in all its major forms,…
  • Terraria Guide action-adventure sandbox video game: Starting Out.
    20.04.2017 - 4 Comments
    Welcome to Terraria! Whether you are a new player, or perhaps a returning player who can’t remember if it’s Blinkroot or Moonglow that goes in that Night Owl Potion, hopefully, this guide can be of some help…
  • ZQuake is a QuakeWorld engine with moderate enhancements compared to other source ports
    26.01.2010 - 0 Comments
    Zquake is a port of Quake to Palm OS. This is very early prototype work .. a proof of concept. It is very close to being fully workable. Once the last hump is passed, it can be made pretty.. but first, this…
  • Escaping ghosts in a maze with Kapman.
    02.08.2014 - Comments Disabled
    Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man. You must go through the levels escaping ghosts in a maze. You lose a life when a ghost eats you, but you can eat the ghosts for a few seconds when eating an…
  • OpenRA Guide: Chapter II: Time Zones, Build orders and shortcuts!
    11.02.2021 - 2 Comments
    In theory, time is the single most game-winning aspect of OpenRA. Time determines everything. How quickly you build your base, how quickly you micro-manage your army into battle, how quickly you…
  • Serious Sam is the title of a series of first-person shooters created by the Croatian  development team Croteam.
    09.06.2010 - 0 Comments
    Serious Sam is the title of a series of first-person shooters created by the Croatian development team Croteam. Originally released for the PC market only, Serious Sam's rising popularity resulted in the…
  • 0 A.D. Guide, Chapter III: Working with Units and Exploring the Map.
    10.12.2021 - 0 Comments
     0 A.D. is a free and open-source real-time strategy video game under development by Wildfire Games. It is a historical war and economy game focusing on the years between 500 BCE and 1 BCE, with the years…