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  • Dead Cyborg first person view, hard-sci-fi adventure game.
    19.08.2015 - 0 Comments
    Dead Cyborg can be downloaded from the site (I recommend version 002 as it supports mouse look instead of just the arrow keys). To get it running you simply extract it and run one of the four bash scripts…
  • Alien Arena some of the very best aspects of such games as Quake III and Unreal Tournament.
    14.07.2009 - 0 Comments
    Alien Arena 2009 some of the very best aspects of such games as Quake III and Unreal Tournament and wraps them up with a retro alien theme, while adding tons of original ideas to make the game quite unique.…
  • 35 More of the Best Free and High Quality Linux Games Adventure.
    30.04.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Some years ago a friend of mine told me that the Linux based operating systems were like arthouse films Iranians unintelligible, boring and only for freaks. Today, fortunately Iranian cinema has…
  • Retro Style Games on Ubuntu Linux.
    12.09.2024 - 0 Comments
      Gaming on Linux doesn’t have to mean buying a ludicrously priced GPU (thanks crypto miners!). Nor does it require a beefy CPU. There’s a real resurgence in retro style gaming going on right now.…
  • Top 10 blog posts for February 2014 from Linux & The Planet Games
    09.03.2014 - 0 Comments
    1.- If we talk about the most popular Linux games, Braid is the name which comes at first. Braid is a platform and puzzle video game developed by Number None, Inc. The game was released on August 6, 2008…
  • Penumbra: Overture is a first person adventure game which focuses on story, immersion and puzzles.
    28.04.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Penumbra Overture is a first person adventure game which focuses on story, immersion and puzzles. Instead of using violence to progress the player has to use his/her wits to guide Philip on his quest to…
  • Endless Sky Walkhthrough Guide: Interstellar Travel and Mining Asteroids.
    17.11.2022 - 0 Comments
     The hyperdrive works by propelling a ship along a hyperspace “link” between two star systems. The consensus among physicists is that these links are in fact not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but an…
  • Babaliba is a video-adventure with fast movements and frenetic action.
    12.06.2014 - Comments Disabled
    Babaliba is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer game programmed by Víctor Ruiz, founder of Dinamic, one of the great software companies of Spanish software "golden age", in 1985. It is part of the trilogy…
  • Enemy Territory Quake Wars nominated for Golden Joysticks
    24.07.2009 - 0 Comments
    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (ET:QW) is a first-person shooter video game, and is the follow-up to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. However, it is set in the same science fiction universe as Quake II and Quake 4,…
  • 10 Best Linux Games for 2013.
    25.02.2014 - Comments Disabled
    As we know, Linux has been liked by users but not by game lovers. But from some time developers are working over the task to create interesting games for Linux. And today, we’ve an astounding collection of…