Random Posts

  • Top 10 blog posts for May 2015 from Linux & The Planet Games.
    02.06.2015 - Comments Disabled
    1.- Pepi Bath is a role-play game where children learn about hygiene in a fun way. Pepi Bath is a role-play game where children learn about hygiene in a fun way. The app has two parts as different…
  • Dungeons of Dredmor is a graphical roguelike game created by Gaslamp Games.
    09.03.2014 - 0 Comments
    Dungeons of Dredmor is a roguelike indie game released on July 13, 2011 by Gaslamp Games. The game features tile-based graphics. A DLC release for the game entitled "Realm of the Diggle Gods" was…
  • 0 A.D. Guide, Chapter IV: Dynamic Territories, Technologies and Phases.
    12.01.2022 - 0 Comments
     0 A.D. features the traditional real-time strategy gameplay components of building a base, developing an economy, training an army, engaging in combat, and researching new technologies.The game includes…
  • Enemy Territory Quake Wars nominated for Golden Joysticks
    24.07.2009 - 0 Comments
    Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (ET:QW) is a first-person shooter video game, and is the follow-up to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. However, it is set in the same science fiction universe as Quake II and Quake 4,…
  • Tenebrae is a GNU General Public Licensed first-person shooter engine, one of the many Quake engines.
    25.04.2010 - Comments Disabled
    Tenebrae is a modification of the quake source that adds stencil shadows and per pixel lights to quake. Stencil shadows allow for realistic shadow effects on every object in the game world. Per pixel lighting…
  • Quake III Arena was specifically designed for multiplayer.
    18.06.2010 - 0 Comments
    Quake III Arena is a multiplayer first-person shooter computer and video game released on December 2, 1999. The game was developed by id Software and featured music composed by Sonic Mayhem and Front Line…
  • Video games will be a popular art form despite the controversies that the subject generates today.
    26.03.2025 - 0 Comments
     aThe 'Shadow of the Colossus' remake updates the debate on whether or not video games can be considered a form of artistic expression. This article brings me to the end of the series of posts…
  • Nexuiz is a fast paced 3d deathmatch game project created online by a team of developers called Alientrap
    07.09.2009 - Comments Disabled
    The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over 1.5 million times, and the game is still…
  • The Neurology of Gaming [Infographic].
    06.04.2014 - Comments Disabled
    Do you like video games? Do you like having a brain that can do stuff? Then this infographic is just for you! As it turns out, gaming has an effect on your brain, and it’s not “turning it into mush.” As I…
  • OpenRA Guide (Chapter V): Offensive Theory and Common Strategic Knowledge.
    13.05.2021 - 2 Comments
    OpenRA is a free and open-source RTS game engine that lets you play re-balanced games like C&C: Red Alert, C&C: Tiberian Dawn, Dune 2000...The engine allows players to create new mods, add modified…