Random Posts

  • 18 Action Games Fighting for Linux.
    11.05.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Toribash is a turn-based fighting game. Create your own martial arts movies in single player sandbox mode, or join the competition in the multi player modes. The basic aim of the game is to fight the…
  • Nexuiz is a fast paced 3d deathmatch game project created online by a team of developers called Alientrap
    07.09.2009 - Comments Disabled
    The first version was released May 31st 2005, released entirely GPL and free over the net, a first for a project of its kind. Since then it has been downloaded over 1.5 million times, and the game is still…
  • Apricots project is a 2D plane dogfighting game.
    30.06.2013 - 0 Comments
    Apricots for Linux is a game where you fly a little plane around the screen and shoot things and drop bombs on enemy targets, and it's meant to be quick and fun. You fly a little plane around and shoot…
  • The Neurology of Gaming [Infographic].
    06.04.2014 - Comments Disabled
    Do you like video games? Do you like having a brain that can do stuff? Then this infographic is just for you! As it turns out, gaming has an effect on your brain, and it’s not “turning it into mush.” As I…
  • Unreal Tournament 2004: New maps, weapons and items
    29.05.2024 - 0 Comments
     227 comes with four maps using various features such as particle effects, jumpers, StaticMeshes, weather effects, the new weapons/items, etc. A new Entry map (EntryII) is also included which showcases…
  • Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 4: The Trial & Execution of Guybursh Threepwood.
    16.12.2013 - 0 Comments
    The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood guides the narrative back round to the locations, personalities, and settings of the initial chapter in the sequence, whilst Guybrush Threepwood goes back to…
  • Unreal Tournament 2004: preface and introduction.
    18.04.2024 - 0 Comments
     If you like this patch, you can visit www.oldunreal.com and help me to keep this project alive with a donation; even small sums can help me improve this patch, or to buy new hardware for testing…
  • Adamant Armor Affection Adventure action game in 3D environment.
    28.06.2013 - 0 Comments
    Adamant Armor Affection Adventure is a stealth / action game in 3D environment. You will get an opportunity to explore the space inhabited by hostile creatures, wade through them hiding in the shadows or…
  • Top 10 blog posts for September 2013 from Linux & The Planet Games.
    28.10.2013 - Comments Disabled
    1.- Magnificent Gunbright is an abstract shooter; destroy the black ball. Magnificent Gunbright is an abstract shooter; destroy the black ball. An Abstract Shooter Developed For Ludum Dare in 48 Hours. You…
  • How big is Linux gaming?
    21.03.2016 - 0 Comments
    I keep reading comments that Linux gaming is pretty much stagnating and not worth investing in because it is still at around 1% in the Steam Hardware Survey. So I decided to try and find some numbers. …