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  • Blood Frontier is a single-player and multi-player first-person shooter, built as a total conversion of Cube Engine 2
    15.11.2009 - 0 Comments
    Blood Frontier is a Free and Open Source game (see our License), using SDL and OpenGL which allows it to be ported to many platforms; you can download a package for Windows, Linux/BSD, Mac OSX, or grab a…
  • 100 Best Free and High Quality Linux Games, Chapter 2.
    29.04.2012 - Comments Disabled
    11. TuxTyping TuxTyping is an educational typing tutor for kids starring Tux, the Linux penguin. This educational game comes with two different games for practicing your typing, and having a great time…
  • Salp Wars is an original 2-dimensional multiplayer sidescrolling game.
    24.10.2012 - Comments Disabled
    Salp Wars is an open source software that will let you perform Side-Scrolling/Arcade Games tasks. It's free for both personal and commercial use, thus the perfect choice for those that want an alternative for…
  • Terraria Guide action-adventure sandbox video game: Starting Out.
    20.04.2017 - 4 Comments
    Welcome to Terraria! Whether you are a new player, or perhaps a returning player who can’t remember if it’s Blinkroot or Moonglow that goes in that Night Owl Potion, hopefully, this guide can be of some help…
  • Obsidian is an open source 3D virtual world for Linux and OpenGL.
    29.03.2013 - Comments Disabled
    Obsidian is an extensible virtual world system with a fullblown multiplayer client-server architecture. It is NOT a VRML2 world system (there are fundamental computer graphics reasons why VRML worlds will…
  • Technorati Verify  Claim Token
    16.02.2012 - 0 Comments
  • Fighting Games are almost always Asymmetric Games as each player fights in a different way.
    15.05.2015 - 0 Comments
    Fighting game is a video game genre in which the player controls an on-screen character and engages in close combat with an opponent. These characters tend to be of equal power and fight matches consisting of…
  • Play hundreds of games for free
    17.01.2010 - 0 Comments
    Hundreds of games are released under a free (as in "free beer" and as in "free speech") license: 2D, 3D, puzzles, war games, online multiplayer games, you name it ! Here are a few examples (the full list would…
  • TrueCombat Elite  is a modification to first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    27.09.2009 - 0 Comments
    TrueCombat Elite is a modification to first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Developed by "Team Terminator" and Studio Groove Six, the modification - like Enemy Territory itself - is released…
  • Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition Edition Guide: Create your heroes.
    30.07.2019 - 0 Comments
    Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition Edition is a much lauded Role-Playing-Game that blends deep customization and humor with dynamic turn based combat. Either in online co-op, split-screen co-op on your…